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Made your Silver jewelry shining

How to Restore Shine to Your Jewelry

Few things sparkle like spanking-new gold, silver, platinum, and precious or semiprecious stones. After even a few days' wear, though, they can dull from lotions, body oil and everyday dust and dirt. Regular cleaning can keep your baubles looking fresh-from-the-jeweler brilliant all the time. 

Things You'll Need

Dishwashing Liquid
Mild Soap
Cotton Swab

Fizzing Tablets

Rubbing Alcohol Or Vodka

Soft-bristle Toothbrush



Glass For Soaking

Chamois or other soft, lint-free clothInstructions

1.   With an old soft-bristle toothbrush, rub the piece with toothpaste. Let it sit for 30 minutes.
2.   Wash in a bowl of sudsy warm water with a few squirts of dishwashing liquid. Rinse.

3.   Polish dry with chamois or other smooth cloth that's free of lint.

Gold, platinum and diamonds
4.   Remove greasy film by rubbing with or soaking in rubbing alcohol or vodka.
5.   Drop two fizzing tablets (such as Alka-Seltzer or denture cleaner) into a glass of water. Immerse the jewelry for 2 minutes, then remove it. Or soak for several minutes in a bowl of sudsy warm water with a few squirts of dishwashing liquid.
6.   Scrub gently with a soft-bristle toothbrush.
7.   Rinse thoroughly.
Polish dry with a smooth, lint-free cloth or chamois.

Pearls and other soft or porous gems such as emeralds, opals and tanzanite
9.   Remove traces of cosmetics and dirt with a tissue.
10. Dip in a sudsy bowl of mild soap (such as Dove) and warm water. Quickly remove.
11. Gently remove buildup with a soft-bristle toothbrush or cotton swab. Rinse.
12. Polish dry with chamois or other soft, lint-free cloth.

​Tips & Warnings
• Keep your jewelry in a fabric-lined case, or wrap each piece individually in soft tissue paper.
• Have a jeweler check yearly for loose prongs, worn mountings and general wear and tear.
• Keep jewelry away from chlorine and harsh chemicals, which can erode the finish and polish of gems.
• Never use boiling water to clean jewelry.



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